Muhammad Abdullah Shahid
2 min readDec 24, 2020


AMAL Totkay

Everyone know that totkay is something which we do in our homes or anywhere with ourselves like we want to get rid of Flue household women do domestic Totka like they made herbal remedy for it but it think that AMAL TOTkay is something different from domestic Totkay like AMAL totkay is also principles of Progress at the Same time let’s discuss one by one each;

1. Self Talk:

Self talk is something that’s give you inner confidence and regularity like you become more organized and determined if you self talk with yourself your perception about yourself become clear. We mostly thing about ourselves two things Negative or Positive when we thing positive, positivity comes around us if we think negative, negativity comes around us. If we encourage us in front of mirror we got confidence or if we discourage ourselves in mirror we get confused and in turn become unsuccessful so self talk is very important

2. Get out of your comfort zone:

Comfort zone means we are not doing anything challenging or difficult. Doing something daring and difficult this require us to come out of comfort zone so its necessary if you want to successful come out of your comfort zone.

3. Create new habits:

Some people don’like change and think it dangerous thing but for an innovative person creating new habits is alike hobby. Creating new habits make us more flexible and broader our vision we tend to learn new things which in turn increases our knowledge and perspectives.

4. Ask people help:

We should ask help to our nearest and dearest friend or family member who cared about us we can ask for help or feedback so that they can guide us honestly so that we can do more correctly what we are doing.

5. Fake it till you make it:

Someone may thing as unethical but I thing so we all are living in society ,everyone wants to impress other and want to be praised so we should be alike we are good in that particular thing so that people can learn and see we are doing great.

